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Renowned Scientist Henry Klassen Converts to Islam, Inspired by Gaza’s Resilience

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His conversion was inspired by the resilience of the people of Gaza.

Professor Henry Klassen, a distinguished ophthalmology professor at the University of California known for his work in stem cells and retinal reconstruction, has embraced Islam. His conversion was inspired by the resilience of the people of Gaza.

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A viral video circulating online shows Klassen, now known as Abdul Haq, reciting the Shahada, the Islamic declaration of faith. Muslims worldwide have welcomed the news, with many celebrating his decision on social media platforms.

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Klassen’s conversion took place during the holy month of Ramadan, a significant period in the Islamic calendar marked by fasting and spiritual reflection. His decision adds to a growing list of public figures, including activist Shaun King, who have recently embraced Islam.

That’s a fascinating story! It’s always interesting to learn about individuals finding inspiration and making significant life changes. If you have any more news or topics you’d like to discuss, feel free to share!

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