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Coke Studio releases first song from Season 15 ”AAYI AAYI”

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Tales of resilience and courage echo through the generations in Tharparkar, where stories are passed down from parents to children. Xulfi (Zulfiqar Jabbar Khan) curated Aayi Aayi, drawing inspiration from these age-old tales and the enduring spirit of the people tied to the land.

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Directed by Awais Gohar, Aayi Aayi kicks off S15 with a tribute to the rich heritage of Sindh. Art Director Hashim Ali blends traditional artifacts with motifs from the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. Noman Ali, Babar Mangi, and local talents Marvi and Saiban add their unique sounds to the mix, creating a diverse yet cohesive arrangement that mirrors the harmony of Pakistan’s most ethnically diverse province.

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Noman sets the tone with verses praising individual strength, reflecting the resilience of Thar’s people. Villagers, adorned in Rajasthan’s vibrant hues, welcome his words with festivity. Babar follows, immersing himself in the crowd, his rap stirring the soul. Marvi and Saiban then take the stage, showcasing their haunting talent. Together, they bring to life figures of love and endurance, enchanting newcomers to Sindh. All are welcome to this land, where the past and present intertwine in a tapestry of tales.

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