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Pakistan is the 5th Top Selling Country on Amazon USA

5,000 Pakistanis subscribed to Workhy to establish a company abroad

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Workhy, which provides end-to-end solutions that facilitate company establishment abroad, started to provide services in Urdu to facilitate the opening of Pakistani entrepreneurs, especially those operating in the e-commerce industry and providing freelance services, to global markets.

Pakistani entrepreneurs and freelancers export know-how and services to all over the world by using the possibilities of digitalization. The data by the UK government on foreign-owned company establishment shows that Pakistani nationality ranks first in the e-commerce category. In addition, in The State of the Amazon Seller 2023, Pakistan ranks the fifth among the top selling countries in Amazon USA.

Considering the number of company establishments, Workhy Co-Founder and CEO Kenan Açıkelli stated that Pakistan has a great potential in terms of the entrepreneurship ecosystem, and said, “In the last 5 years, we see that most of the entrepreneurs operating in the field of e-commerce and doing business as freelancers are Pakistani citizens.” It is known that nearly 5 thousand Pakistani entrepreneurs subscribed to Workhy to establish companies abroad.

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In economically developing countries such as Pakistan, e-commerce plays a key role in increasing corporate competitiveness and the country’s share in global trade. Pakistani citizens contribute to the country’s economy with small and medium-sized e-commerce businesses they have established in countries such as the USA and the UK, promising great potential.

“Workhy is a platform that enables entrepreneurs from all over the world to establish companies and manage financial processes online in the country of their choice, without having to reside or travel,” Açıkelli said. “Pakistani entrepreneurs can establish companies in the USA, UK, Estonia, Netherlands and Turkey with Workhy or open a branch in Germany.”

Workhy, which has recently started to provide services in Urdu in consultancy processes, visited Pakistan in 2023 many times and made strong partnerships with the entrepreneurship ecosystem. The company plans to launch the Urdu version of its website soon.

Launched in 2022, Workhy has created 20,000+ companies for more than 130 nationalities. In addition, it is the exclusive partner of 20+ global companies such as Payoneer, Wise, Mercury Bank, PayPal, Stripe. It has received investments from international investors and continues to expand to all continents.
