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California-based prominent Eastern Christian Priest, Father Hilarion Heagy, has converted to Islam

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California-based prominent Eastern Christian Priest, Father Hilarion Heagy, has converted to Islam

California-based prominent Eastern Christian Priest, Father Hilarion Heagy, has converted to Islam after renouncing Christianity.

Heagy, who has now changed his name to Said Abdul Latif, said his inclination towards Islam took place 20 years ago, but he has only recently converted to the religion.

“One simply can’t be a priest and monk publicly, and a Muslim privately.”

As per news outlet Ummid, Father Hilarion Heagy said his conversion to the Islamic religion is like “homecoming” and is actually a “reversion to Islam.”

Heagy wrote in his blog post:

“It truly is like ‘coming home.’ My primordial faith. For the Qur’an states that we worshipped God alone and submitted to him since before we were even born.”

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Further justifying his stance, Hilarion Heagy quoted from the Holy Quran:

“And remember when your Lord brought forth from the loins of the children of Adam their descendants and had them testify regarding themselves. Allah asked, A ‘Am I not your Lord?’ They replied, ‘Yes, You are! We testify.’ He cautioned, ‘Now you have no right to say on Judgment Day, ‘We were not aware of this.’ ‘ — Qur’an (7:172)”

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