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Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah Handwrites Quran’s 114 Chapters Seven Times in Remarkable Endeavor

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Manually transcribing all 114 chapters of the Quran seven times

In Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah, a devoted religious scholar, has undertaken the extraordinary task of manually transcribing all 114 chapters of the Quran seven times. What distinguishes his remarkable accomplishment is that he accomplished this feat without resorting to modern pen and ink.

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A meticulous examination of his handwritten volumes reveals the unmistakable touch of a handwritten masterpiece. In a conversation with the BBC, Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah shared that he has devoted the past thirty-four years of his life to transcribing the Quran, expressing his intention to persist in this sacred endeavor.

Commencing this labor of love in 1989 at the age of twenty, he embarked on the transcription at a time when Quranic volumes were not readily available. Having already committed the Quran to memory and earning the moniker ‘Abi Amra’ for his exceptional recitation, Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah reflects a common tradition in Somalia, where children are sent to schools teaching the Quran and encouraged to memorize its verses.

Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah disclosed to the BBC that his initial transcription involved using a special glue derived from trees, as modern pens were not accessible to him. Reflecting on those early days, he recalled, “When I started writing the Quran, there were no modern books and pens, which are now available everywhere.”

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In the nascent stages, he gathered paper and began the transcription process using glue sourced from rural areas in Somalia. “I wrote the first three books with glue, and for the last four, I used a regular pen,” he explained.

Transcribing the entire Quran posed a formidable challenge due to the intricacies of avoiding errors. Nevertheless, Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah’s unwavering dedication facilitated the completion of this sacred task. He noted that the final book demanded the most time, taking eight months, while the previous ones were accomplished in three to four months, with heightened meticulousness.

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Reflecting on his community’s response, Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah expressed gratitude for the appreciation received, mentioning that people joyfully acknowledge the handwritten volumes, often seeking his contributions. He remarked, “People are very happy when they find out that it’s a handwritten volume, and they congratulate me.”

Courtesy BBC
