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Boycott #Swedish_Brands Trending on social media Over Desecration of the Holy Quran

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Once again, they hurt Muslims. Muhammad PBUH the prophet of Allah is dearer to the Muslims more than their own soul. Muslim nations from around the globe have strongly condemned the latest incident of desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden.

The hashtag boycott of Swedish brands becomes the top trend on Twitter in Pakistan. Netizens are aiming to boycott Swedish products in a protest for disrespecting Islam and hurting religious sentiments.
The boycott is targeted at articles including clothing, food, and technology companies as well as large-scale and small-scale Swedish businesses.

Imran Khan’s quote on islamophobia…
“Hurtful actions result in reactions from Muslims as they see their faith and their beloved Prophet targeted which results in further discriminatory actions by governments against Muslim populations in their states, resulting in the marginalization of Muslims and the creating of space for radical, far-right groups to exploit the situation.”

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The hashtag #BoycottSwedishBrands has been trending on social media to pursue the desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden. Social media users said boycotting Swedish brands is a peaceful way to protest against the disrespect shown to the sacred book. And this protest should forever. This desecration incident happened so many times in Sweden.

Many social media users were of the opinion that Sweden has hurt the sentiments of Muslims around the globe by allowing the desecration of the Holy Quran, and the state promoting Islamophobia should be boycotted. The govt of Sedent should have a clear policy on this. They should punish the involved culprits.

Trends: #BoycottSweden #BoycottSwedishBrands #NoMoreIKEA #StopSupportingSwedishCompanies #SwedishBoycott #StandAgainstSweden #SvenskaBojkott #SwedenProtest #SwedishInjustice
